At CarePoint Home, located at 2517 Hayward Ave N, Oakdale, MN 55128, we are more than just an assisted living facility—we are a place where compassion, dignity, and personalized care come together to create a nurturing environment for older adults. Our licensed facility is designed to support independence while providing the assistance and care that residents need to lead fulfilling lives.
CarePoint Home is a licensed assisted living facility in the heart of Oakdale, Minnesota. With a small, close-knit capacity of up to 10 residents, we provide a personalized and attentive experience in a welcoming, home-like setting. Each resident enjoys private living accommodations and access to a wide range of amenities tailored to meet their unique needs.
Our Mission
To enhance the quality of life for every resident through dedicated care, respect, and
individualized support, ensuring they feel at home every day.
At CarePoint Home, we believe every individual deserves respect, compassion, and support. That’s why we offer:
Expert assistance with daily living activities
Medication management and health monitoring.
Specialized support for complex health needs.
Around-the-clock awake staff available to respond to health and safety concerns.
Why CarePoint Home?
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